Morning services

Holy Communion

St Francis’ – follows the Book of Common Worship. There are some sung responses by the congregation and music supported by the choir, organ and guitar. This is on the second and fourth Sundays on the month.

St Bartholomew’s – 8am Holy Communion is a weekly said service. Each third Sunday, Holy Communion is also taken at our 10.30am service. We follow the Book of Common Worship.

St Wilfrid’s – 10am service follows the Book of Common Worship, there are responses by congregation with supporting worship, this service is held on the first and third Sundays in a month.

Midweek Communion - is a Said Communion service which follows Common Worship and the Book of Common Worship and takes place at  St Francis' each Wednesday. Please see What's On for the next service. We also offer Home Communion for people unable to come to church. Please contact us if you are interested in this.

Morning Prayer

St Francis’ – taken from the Common Worship orders, Morning Prayer has said responses, hymns, choir, organ and guitar.

Morning Praise

St Bartholomew's: Our 10.30am Morning Praise service happens twice a month, on first and fourth Sundays.

St Wilfrid’s: Our 10am Morning Praise service happens on a monthly basis at present.

All Age Worship

St Bartholomew's - All Age Worship - Once a month, on a second Sunday, we hold this informal service, often with baptisms as part of the service.

St Francis’ – Family Service – this is a relaxed service with music by our Worship Group, and sometimes includes Baptisms.

St Wilfrid's – Our 10am Family Service is a informal service aimed at including the family to take part in the service, held on the fourth Sunday in a month.


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