Mums and Babes and Good Seed groups
Our Mums and Babes and Good Seed groups are thriving children's ministries run by Church members for mums, dads, grandparents and minders with pre-school children and includes a regular toddler service and fundraising activities. They run during term time at St Bart's on Mondays, Tuesday at Wilf's and Wednesday at St Francis Church. See What's On for more details.
Guides and Brownies
The St Francis’ 7th Horley Guides, Brownies and Rainbows and our new Ranger Group are affiliated to St Francis’ Church and take part in the Family Services. They meet Mondays, term time, in St Francis’ Church Hall.
Church Services for young people and families
Each church runs activities for children on most Sundays where they can learn more about the Christian faith and how to follow Jesus. As they grow older, we encourage them to take part in church services. Some of our young people have played in our worship groups, been readers or helped with the younger children in Sunday groups.
Young Alpha
The Alpha course gives 11-18 year olds the opportunity to explore how everyday life can be interwoven with the Christian faith. Instead of forcing religion on our young people, the 10 week course gives students the opportunity to discuss, ask questions and work through their own ideas of Christian faith and how this affects them in small groups.